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The Banana Lessons

Jun 13, 2023

Buying bananas can be tricky. Too ripe and they’ll rot before you can eat them. Too green and you’ll be waiting an age for them to ripen.

The proper choice is to buy a mix of green bananas and ripe ones. It’s a delicate and personal balance, dependent on the size of your family and their fondness for bananas.

You won’t always pick properly. Life is like that too.

There are times when all we have are hard, green bananas. And other times, soft, squishy, brown ones. There’s not much you can do with a green banana, except wait. An overripe banana can be frozen for a delicious smoothie or used in a banana cake.

The Banana Lessons:

1. Despite our best-laid plans, not everything happens according to our timelines.

2. Learn the virtue of patience. Some things simply take time.

3. When faced with a rotten situation, adapt.


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