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Subject to Change

Sep 10, 2024

Back in the day, plans were set in stone. You’d say, “Meet at 7pm at the Town Hall Steps” and that was it. No need for a follow-up text, no last-minute changes. You left the house, and the plan was the plan. Simple, solid, dependable.

Then mobile phones arrived. Suddenly, everything became fluid. Plans were no longer commitments, they were suggestions, subject to change. “I’ll call you later” became the new standard, and the certainty we once knew faded away.

In this age of constant connectivity and changing schedules, making a commitment might seem old-fashioned. Yet, this shift only makes true commitment more valuable.

When you commit to something—a time, a project, a promise—it stands out. It’s remarkable because it’s become so uncommon. It demonstrates that you're serious about your intentions. It shows that you’re not just talking about doing something—you’re actually ready to follow through.

It's difficult to accomplish anything when you're just keeping all options open.


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