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Create More Time

Nov 15, 2022

When you say, “I’d love to do some exercise, but I don’t have the time.”

What you really mean is…

“I’m not exercising, because it’s not a priority.”

This is hard to admit. It makes you sound lazy. It’s much easier to blame time for our lack of action.

But failing to act is rarely due to how busy you are. It’s usually because it's just not that important to you.

When you really want something, you make it a priority.

Exercise, eat healthy, start a side hustle, write a book, launch a coaching business… it doesn’t matter what your goal is. When you own your priorities, time stops being an excuse and starts becoming an opportunity. You become accountable for how you spend your time.

We all get 24 hours each day and everyone has control over at least some of those hours.

Once you make your goal a priority, something weird happens.

You create more time.


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